The following cryptocurrencies are currently available for funding:
Bitcoin : BTC
BitcoinCash: BCH
Litecoin : LTC
Ethereum : ETH, USDT (erc20), USDC (erc20), DAI (erc20), CNHT (erc20)
Tron: TRX, USDT (trc20)
The other cryptocurrencies are only available for trading (EOS, XRP, etc.).
You will be able to deposit cryptocurrency and start trading with verification up to level 2.
To deposit cryptocurrency, you need to do the following:
1. In your personal account select: Add Funds -> Crypto payments -> Choose the crypto
2. Then you need to fill out a form where you need to put in the following information:
3. Get the refill address or use the received QR code:
4. Send the payment from your wallet to the generated recharge address, or use a QR code. The funds will be credited to your eWallet once the transaction has received enough online confirmations:
BTC - 3
LTC - 6
BCH - 12
TRX, USDT (trc20) - 20