Trading on FREE2EX

Trading on FREE2EX

  • - official website;

  • https://my.free2ex.comClient's personal account, where account registration and verification is performed, deposit/withdrawal of funds and opening of trading accounts used for trading on the trading platform. Also in the personal account you can connect additional security factors of your account and make other settings.

  • https://live.free2ex.comthe trading platform where trading takes place.

The trading platform is accessed through the following terminals:

  • Web-terminal - you can enter the trading platform through any browser on the link with login and password from the personal account (email and password, used at registration in FREE2EX)

  • Win-terminal, installed on your PC or laptop - login to the terminal is performed using trading account data, where the trading account number is the login, and the trading account password is the password to enter the terminal.

  • TickTrader mobile application for Android - login to the terminal is performed using the trading account data, where the trading account number is the login and the trading account password is the password to enter the terminal.

  • TickTrader mobile application for IOS - login to the terminal is performed using the trading account data, where the trading account number is the login and the trading account password is the password to enter the terminal.

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