Types of orders used on FREE2EX

Types of orders used on FREE2EX

Orders on a cryptocurrency exchange are exchange requests that users send to the server.
Different types of orders have different execution procedures. In one case, the operation is completed
immediately at the current rate, while in others it is postponed until certain conditions are met.

On a trading platform FREE2EX the following types of orders are used:

  • Market - market orders to instantly execute buy or sell an asset at the best current market price. 

  • Limit - pending orders for execution on specified conditions and which form the "order book":

    • Limit - a pending order to buy or sell an asset at a specified price or better.

    • Stop - a pending order to buy or sell an asset at a specified price or worse.

    • Stop-limit  - a combination of Stop + Limit orders.

In this article, we will analyze in detail each order used on our platform.

Market order (Market)

Market order is used to instantly execute an order to buy or sell an asset at the best current
market price in the order book. This type of order is used if it is necessary to make a transaction
immediately, instead of waiting for a more favorable price.
Filling of the order will start with the best price in the order book: in case of buying an asset
the Ask price will be used, and in case of selling - the Bid price. The best Ask and Bid price is
displayed directly above the "Sell" and "Buy" buttons and is updated in real time.

A market order shall be executed as follows:
1. Currency pair selectionThe last selected symbol is used by default. To change the currency pair,
click on the symbol above the order book and select the desired one from the drop-down list.
2. Choosing the direction of the transaction: sell/buy.

For example, if the BTC/USD pair is selected, "Buy" means buying BTC for USD.

3. Volume selectionYou can choose one of the options from the drop-down list, enter
the amount manually, or choose what share of the available funds in the trading account
to use: 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%.
4. Once you have determined the transaction volume, click the "Sell" or "Buy" button and
confirm the transaction.

Buy market order
To buy an asset at the current best Ask price, use a buy market order.

The current best Ask price is the lowest current price of the asset from all placed sell orders
of other crypto platform participants in the "order book".

If the limit sell order with the best Ask price has enough asset volume to execute your buy
market order, the final price for you will be equal to the same best Ask price from
the limit sell order.

If a limit sell order with the best Ask price does not have enough asset volume to execute
your buy market order, your buy market order is executed at the current best price in the
available volume, followed by an "after-execution" at the next best Ask price. The final
purchase price of the asset for you will be the weighted average of the best Ask prices
of your sell limit orders.

Sell market order
To sell an asset at the best Bid price, use sell market.

The current best Bid price is the highest current price of the asset out of all placed orders
to buy the asset of other crypto platform participants in the "order stack".

If the buy limit order with the best Bid price has a sufficient asset volume to execute your
sell market order, then the final price for you will be equal to the same best Bid price from
the buy limit order.

If the buy limit order with the best Bid price has a requested asset volume less than the asset
volume of your sell market order, then your sell market order will be executed at the current
best price in the available volume, followed by an "under-execution" at the next best Bid price.
The final sell price of the asset for you will be the weighted average of the best Bid prices
of the limit buy orders.

You also have the option to set the slippage protection in % (deviation from price).
The slippage is automatically set to 2%.

Limit Order (Limit)

Limit order – is an order with a specific buy or sell price.

It is the limit orders that form the order book. Limit orders are used to buy at a lower price
or to sell at a higher price relative to the market. Use this type of order if you are willing to
wait for the asset price to reach the desired level.

To place a limit order, you must specify not only the desired volume but also the price.
After placing the order, it will be placed in the order stack and will remain there until
there are counteroffers at a suitable price.

Buy Limit order

If you are not satisfied with the current market buy price or expect it to fall, use a buy limit
order to buy the asset at or below (better) the price you specified. Your order will be executed
as counter orders appear. 

If an order to sell an asset at or below your price with sufficient volume appears in the
"order book", your order will be executed in full.

If an order to sell an asset with your price or lower appears in the "order book" with insufficient
asset volume to execute your buy limit order, your order will be partially executed (by the size
of the available asset in the limit sell order), and your buy limit order will wait to be executed
with the under-executed volume until new sell orders with your specified price or lower appear.

Sell Limit order
If you are not satisfied with the current market sell price or expect it to rise, use a sell limit
order to sell the asset at or above (better) the price you specified. Your order will be executed
as counter orders appear.

If an order to buy an asset with your price or higher with sufficient volume appears in the
"order book", your order will be executed in full.

If an order to buy an asset with your price or higher appears in the "order book" with the
requested asset volume lower than the asset volume in your sell limit order, your order will be
partially executed (by the size of the requested asset in the buy limit order), and your sell limit order
will wait for execution with the remaining asset volume until new buy orders with your
specified price or higher appear.

You also have the option to set a time by which your order can be executed or will be canceled
if the condition is not met (Good till date). If you do not set a time, your order will wait for execution
and will not be canceled after some time (Good till canceled).

Stop Order

Stop order – is an order to buy or sell an asset at the market price if the value of your asset
in the market has reached the specified price or worse.

Buy Stop order 

A buy stop order is used to instantly buy an asset at the market price (based on the principle
of a buy market order) as soon as the value of the asset reaches your specified Ask price.
The price you specify must be higher than the current market price. For example, you anticipate
that the Ask price of an asset will fall, but you want to hedge the risk of incorrect expectations
and a possible price increase. By using a buy stop order you are instructing the crypto platform
to purchase the asset at the market price as soon as the price of the last trade equals or exceeds
the price you specified. You don't need to monitor online trading as the crypto platform will
execute your setup automatically.

Sell Stop order  

A sell stop order is used to instantly sell an asset at the market price (based on the principle
of a sell market order) as soon as the value of the asset reaches your specified Bid price.
The price you specify must be lower than the current market price.
The principle is the same as with a Stop order, except that you assume that the Bid price
of the asset will rise, but you want to insure the risk of incorrect expectations and possible
price drop. By using a sell stop order, you instruct the crypto platform to sell the asset at the
market price as soon as the price of the last trade is equal to or lower than the price you specified.

You also have the option to set the allowable slippage in % (deviation from price) and the time
until which your order can be executed or will be canceled if the condition is not met
(Good till date). If you do not set the time, your order will wait for execution and will not
be canceled after some time (Good till canceled).

Stop-Limit orderr

Stop-limit order – is a combination of Stop+Limit orders. It is an order to buy or sell an asset
at a limit price in case the value of your asset in the market has reached the specified price or worse. 

It is good to use it, for example, in anticipation of a rally and further price pullback to previous
levels. Stop price is set worse than the market, Limit price - better than the "new"
market of the stop order. 

You also have the option to set a time by which your order can be executed or will be
canceled if the condition is not met (Good till date). If you do not set a time, your order
will wait for execution and will not be canceled after some time (Good till canceled).

On our platform you can also find orders such as "One Cancel Other""One Triggers Another" 
and "Order by Date". Let's examine each of these orders below.

"One Cancel Other" order

OCO orders are only available on Leverage-Net and Spot accounts.
OCO - One Cancel Other  — combines one order with another, but only one of the orders
can be executed. In other words, as soon as one of the orders is fully or partially executed,
the remaining order will be automatically canceled. Canceling one of the orders (by client
request or GTD option) will also cancel the other.

To link a pair of orders, the following conditions must be met:
  • Same trading instrument (pair);

  • Orders: Limit-Stop and Stop-Stop;

  • An already linked order cannot be linked to a third order;

  • For a Limit-Stop pair, the buy price must be less than the sell price; 

  • None of the orders can have an Immediate Or Cancel option.

In order to use this order, you need to follow these steps:

1. Select the type of the first order (Limit or Stop).

Select BUY or SELL.

Specify the quantity required.

Specify the desired exchange rate.

You can select the visible volume to be displayed in the order book.

Select the type of the second order and set the desired conditions as in (2-5).

Select the expiration date of the order: 
Good Till Canceled (GTC) - until canceled by the user.
- Good Till Date (GTD) - select a specific closing date and time.
8. Place an order.

"One Triggers Another" order

OTA – One Triggers Another — is a type of advanced conditional orders, when the second order is executed only after the first order is executed.

OTA strategy features:
  • Order 1 and Order 2 work on the same trading instrument (pair): if Order 1 has been executed, Order 2 will be placed on the same trading instrument.

  • The volumes of Order 2 and Order 1 are the same. 

  • If Order 1 has been canceled, Order 2 will also be canceled.

  • If you cancel Order 2, it will be placed as a separate order (outside the strategy).

  • An OTA strategy can be added to a regular order (you can do it in the list of active orders).

  • The OTA strategy cannot be linked to other strategies.

  • On the OTA chart, an order can only be modified by dragging it or by making changes in the "Modify" box. OTA order on the chart cannot be deleted.

In order to use this order, you need to perform the following actions:
1. Select the type of the first order (Order Trigger) (Limit или Stop).

2. Select BUY or SELL.

Specify the quantity of the asset.

4. Specify the desired exchange rate.

5. You can select the desired volume to be displayed in the order book.

6. Select the period of validity of the order:
- Good Till Canceled (GTC) - until canceled by the user.
- Good Till Date (GTD) - select a specific closing date and time.

7. Select the type of the second order (Order-to-Open) and set the desired
conditions as in (2-6).

8. Place the order.

"Order by Date" order

OBD - Order by Dateconsists of one order (market, limit, stop) that will be opened in the future on a set date.

For more details on the types of orders please refer to the link.

In order to use this order, you need to perform the following actions: 1. Specify the desired date of the purchase/sale time. 2. Select the order type (Market, Limit, Stop) and specify the desired parameters. 3. Place the order.
If you have done everything correctly, your orders will be visible in the "Strategies" section.

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