Regulations in Republic of Belarus
Belarus became the first jurisdiction in the world with comprehensive legal regulation of businesses based on blockchain technology after the President of the Republic of Belarus signed Decree No. 8 “On the development of the digital economy” on December 21, 2017. The document created legal conditions for the implementation of such types of activities as the activities of a crypto platform operator, the activities of a cryptocurrency exchange operator, an ICO organizer, the execution and (or) execution of transactions through a smart contract, and also determined the procedure for the circulation of cryptocurrencies.
The activities of the crypto platform operator are regulated by the Hi-Tech Park. Residents of the Hi-Tech Park must meet the criteria and comply with the requirements for residents and their activities by the Hi-Tech Park. You can read more about the criteria and requirements on the Hi-Tech Park website.
Since 04/01/2020, FREE2EX (Pixel Internet LLC) has been a resident of the Hi-Tech Park.
Before obtaining the status of a resident of the Hi-Tech Park, FREE2EX (Pixel Internet LLC) underwent a technical audit and an audit in accordance with the requirements of the regulator of the Hi-Tech Park - one of the representatives of the Big Four.
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