Order "One Cancel Other"

Order "One Cancel Other"

One Cancel Other (OCO) —  combines one order with another, but only one of the orders can be executed. In other words, as soon as one of the orders is fully or partially executed, the remaining order will be automatically canceled. Cancellation of one of the orders (at the request of the client or by GTD option) will also result in the cancellation of the other.

To link a pair of orders, the following conditions must be met:
  1. The same trading instrument (pair);
  2. Orders: Limit-Stop or Stop-Stop;
  3. Already linked order may not be linked to a third one;
  4. For a Limit-Stop pair, the Buy price must be lower than the Sell price; 
  5. None of the orders can have an Immediate Or Cancel option.
Important: OCO orders are only available on Leverage-Net and Spot accounts.

To use such order, you need to perform the following actions:

1. Select the type of the first order  (Limit or Stop).

2. Choose BUY or SELL.

3. Specify the required amount.

4. Specify the desired exchange rate.

5. You can choose the visible volume that will be displayed in the order book.      

6. Select the type of the second order and set the desired conditions as in points (2-5).

7. Select the validity period of the order: 

- Good Till Canceled (GTC) - before the user cancels.

- Good Till Date (GTD) - select a specific closing date and time.

8. Place order.

If you have done everything correctly, your OCO order will be visible in the "Strategies" section.