Identity verification

Identity verification

To pass the verification, you'll need to prepare:

- A document confirming your identity.
- A document confirming your residential address.

The verification process itself consists of several steps:

- Upload a photo of the document that verifies your identity.
- Take a selfie with this document.
- A quick Liveness Check (you'll need to turn your head in front of the camera to confirm you're a real person).
- Fill in your residential address information and upload a document that confirms it.

Identity verification up to level 2

1. To start the verification process, please follow the link  by clicking on the "Account Status" button:

2. Express your consent to the processing of personal data by ticking the box in the form provided below:

3. Upload a photo of the identity document: a page with a photo, a page with data. Residents of the Republic of Belarus should upload a photo of the 31st passport page (spread).

Identity documents include a national passport/ID card, a residence permit, or other equivalent document confirming identification data:

  1. full name (including patronymic, if any)
  2. date of birth
  3. gender
  4. citizenship
  5. place of birth
  6. serial number of the document
  7. the country that issued the document
  8. date of issue of the document
  9. validity period of the document

You need to go through the verification process on a device with a working video camera - from a computer or mobile device. To continue from your mobile device, click the "Continue on phone" button: 


Please copy the link, transfer it to your phone and open it in your phone's browser or scan the QR code by opening your phone's camera. By clicking on the link, you will continue the verification process on your mobile device.

Upload a photo of the document and click "Next".

4. In the next step, you will need to take a selfie with this document:

After uploading the photo, click "Next Step".

5. The next verification step is to make and upload a selfie video. 

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete this step. Your face must be clearly visible:

6. The final step: verification of residence address. For a more detailed article on address confirmation, click here

After everything is loaded, the test will begin.

Usually, it takes a few minutes but can be a little longer. You will see this message once the verification ends: 

After completing the verification of documents and selfie videos, you will have access to all the functionality of your personal account and trading platforms. You will be able to deposit and withdraw funds and make transactions. At this stage, the monthly limit of operations for deposits and withdrawals for you is 20,000 USD in equivalent

How to increase the limits?

If you need to have higher limits of up to 50,000 USD in equivalent, then you need to pass the verification of grade 3. 

Confirm the source of funds. As a confirmation of the source of funds, you can use any document from which your income is clearly visible. This may be an account statement, a lease or sale of property, or real estate. The document should include your full name.

To increase the limit to more than 50,000 USD per month, you need to pass the verification of level 4:

Please note that all levels need to be received sequentially.